• Definitions for software testing?
The process of devising a set of inputs to a given piece of software that will cause the software to exercise some portion of its code. The developer of the software can then check that the results produced by the software are in accord with his or her expectations.
• Basic definitions for the software testing
Before launching into a discussion of the software development process, let's define some basic terms and concepts. The logical place to start is with software testing. Software testing is a process of analyzing or operating software for the purpose of finding bugs. Simple as this definition is, it contains a few points that are worth elaboration. The word process is used to emphasize that testing involves planned, orderly activities. This point is important if we're concerned with rapid development, as a well thought-out, systematic approach is likely to find bugs faster than poorly planned testing done in a rush.
• Software Testing
Software testing is any activity aimed at evaluating an attribute or capability of a program or system and determining that it meets its required results. [Hetzel88] Although crucial to software quality and widely deployed by programmers and testers, software testing still remains an art, due to limited understanding of the principles of software. The difficulty in software testing stems from the complexity of software: we can not completely test a program with moderate complexity. Testing is more than just debugging. The purpose of testing can be quality assurance, verification and validation, or reliability estimation. Testing can be used as a generic metric as well. Correctness testing and reliability testing are two major areas of testing. Software testing is a trade-off between budget, time and quality.
• Software Testing Glossary
This page provides definitions for software testing terms that we hope you will find helpful. Ap Test is your source for software testing. If you're interested in having a product or web site tested or need custom test technology developed please get in touch with us. We'll work with you to understand your needs, and our deliverables will delight you.
• Software Testing Methods
Once source code has been generated, software must be tested to uncover (and correct) as many errors as possible before delivery to your customer. Your goal is to design a series of test cases that have a high likelihood of finding errors - but how? That's where software testing techniques enter the picture. These techniques provide systematic guidance for designing tests that: (1) exercise the internal logic of software components, and (2) exercise the input and output domains of the program to uncover errors in program function, behavior, and performance. Resource presented in this section address the following topic categories:
• Software Testing and Analysis
Exploratory testing is learning, designing, and executing tests—simultaneously. When done with skill and practice, exploratory testing typically uncovers an order of magnitude more problems than the same amount of time spent on scripted testing. All testers conduct exploratory testing in one way or another, but few know how to do it systematically to obtain the greatest benefits. Even fewer can articulate the process and repeat it time and time again. James Bach looks at specific heuristics and techniques of exploratory testing to help you get the most from this highly productive approach. Because exploratory testing done well is much like a martial art—the best way to learn is by practicing—James will challenge you with many exercises in the art of exploration.
• The Software Engineering Tutorial
The ICSE tutorial program provides conference participants with the opportunity to gain new insights, knowledge, and skills in a broad range of areas of software engineering. Tutorials will be held on 16 and 17 May 2005 (Monday and Tuesday during ICSE). See the details below associated with each tutorial to identify the times of each full or half day tutorial.
• Introduction to Software Requirements and Management
Between 40% and 60% of software failures and defects are the result of poor software management and requirements definition. In plain English, this means that about half of the problems encountered could have been avoided by making it clear, from the very beginning, what the customer expected from the respective project. This is to say that the programming was fine and the developers did their job well - only they did a different job from what they were supposed to. The definition of a successful program is that it is 100% compliant with its initial requirements. But it those requirements contain mistakes, are unclear or poorly defined, then there is very little one can do to correct the problem later in the process. So, a bit of advance planning simply doubles the success changes of any software project.
• Software Selection Process
you are going to select some software. I don't mean an action game for your kids, but I'm talking about a real life, heavy-duty business application. Actually, the hard part is deciding which system to acquire anyway. It's so hard, we even have a name for all the steps together: the software selection process or acquisition process if you like difficult words. And people are making it difficult, trying to make it look like a science. Let me make one thing clear, right from the start: the actual judgment on the selection is difficult, the only thing that really can help you there is experience, the process itself is easy and straightforward.
• Software Project Management
Software Project Management can be hard to handle sometimes. But if you know what to do and what to expect, project life can be a walk in the park. Software Projects.org has the right courses to prepare you for software project management (also great for IT project management), software selection and, software development (ASP and PHP).
• The Testing Methods and Tools
Usability is the combination of fitness for purpose, ease of use, and ease of learning that makes a product effective. Usability testing focuses on determining if the product is easy to learn, satisfying to use and contains the functionality that the users desire. The movement towards usability testing stimulated the evolution of Usability Labs. Many forms of usability testing have been tried from discount usability engineering, field tests to competitive usability testing.This page provides informative links to other sources on World Wide Web, focusing on issues of Usability Testing Methods and Tools. The Page is organized in four subsections. The first section includes links to Comprehensive sites that cover various aspects of usability including Testing Methods and Tools. The second section covers sites on Testing Methods e.g. Heuristic, surveys etc. The third section contains links to Testing Tools including automated tools and testing labs. The fourth section presents links to some case studies. Lastly, we credit the people who maintain this page.
• Software Testing for Programmers
Some programmers do it as they code, and others wait until the end. Either way, testing is a necessary part of any software development project. Without it, one cannot determine that the software functions correctly. In this article, I present the basics of software testing from a programmer's perspective. In a follow-up article, I will illustrate unit testing with JUnit, an open source framework for testing Java applications. Unit testing is also called component testing. However, component testing is sometimes considered to be a level of testing above unit testing. This may be the case with a system that contains individually testable components that are composed of multiple units. For example, in a system that contains Java classes and Enterprise Java Beans (EJBs), the Java classes could be tested as units, and the EJBs, could be tested as components.
• Software Testing Techniques
Software Testing Techniques by Boris Beizer is an absolute must for anyone who has a serious interest in software testing. This 549-page book covers nearly every aspect of the process of finding errors in computer programs, moving from basic definitions and terminology through detailed and easy-to-understand explanations of most testing strategies in use today, finishing with a chapter on implementing testing strategies in a development organization.This book is written with the practitioner in mind, but can equally well be used by students in software engineering curriculums. It presents both theory and practice in a thorough and clear manner, illustrating both concepts and practical techinqes with numerous realistic examples.All in all, in this reviewers mind, this is a very good book on software testing, in particular for the active practicioner, but could definitely be used by students of software engineering.
• Software Testing Resources
Welcome to QA Cube, an online community for sharing resources related to Software Testing and Quality Assurance. Here you can find resources related to different areas of software testing and test automation contributed by other community members.All Registered members can post their own collection of resources to QA Cube.Resources related to different areas of software testing like unit, functional, performance, security, web and so on. Resources related to information on different certification programs for software testing, quality assurance and test automation.
• Advanced Topics for Software Testing
This course will examine advanced software testing techniques. In particular, the important phases of testing will be reviewed, emphasizing on the significance of each phase when testing different types of software. Students will learn the state of the art in testing technology for object-oriented, component-based, concurrent, distributed, graphical-user interface, and web software. In addition, closely related concepts such as model checking and program analysis will also be studied. Emerging concepts such as test-case prioritization and their impact on testing will be examined. Students will gain hands-on testing/analysis experience by proposing new solutions to open research problems in the field of software testing and experimentally demonstrating the strengths/weaknesses of their solutions.
• Manual Software Testing
Rational Manual Tester is a manual test authoring tool for the non technical user that reduces test maintenance with modular tests and reusable steps. View the demo to learn more about software manual testing procedures. Many organizations call upon business analysts and testers to validate system operation manually, noting their observations as they interact with the application. This manual testing process can be time-consuming and error prone, particularly if the application undergoes frequent changes. IBM Rational Manual Tester was created to address this problem. IBM Rational Manual Tester is a manual test authoring and execution tool that promotes test step reuse to reduce the impact of software change on testers and business analysts.
• Software Quality Control and Survival Guide
A helpful kit for project managers and quality assurance software testers filled with valuable whitepapers, webcasts and more on software testing. These resources can help you improve the functionality, usability, reliability, and scalability of your most important software applications.A helpful kit for project managers and testers filled with valuable whitepapers, webcasts and more. These resources can help you improve the functionality, usability, reliability, and scalability of your most important software applications.
• Application Testing Tools
Software testing is a necessity and has developed into an entire branch of its own in the field of computer science. Unfortunately, manual software testing is also very time-consuming. Therefore, quality assurance managers are always looking for reliable solutions to automate software testing.For non-GUI programs, there are a number of solutions for automatically testing software. These typically involve creating a set of test cases (often by means of so-called "scripts") and a set of expected results. During the test runs, the actual results are compared to the expected results, and deviations are flagged. These solutions lend themselves nicely to automated, unattended execution -- a very desirable property in software testing, as it saves personnel costs.
• Practical Software Test
12th International Software Quality Week (QW'97). San Jose, California. May 24-28, 1999. This tutorial is designed to introduce the audience to practical cost-effective test case design techniques for every level of software testing from unit to user acceptance. A discussion of how to determine quality testing rather than execute quantities of tests will open the tutorial followed by explanations and exercises of various techniques.Testing consumes approximately 40% of the cost of developing and maintaining a software system. Yet, testing is not taught on a formal basis in most institutions. This half day tutorial will introduce practical cost effective test case design techniques for every level of software testing from unit to user acceptance.
• About Software Testing
All software needs to go through testing. It is hard to create a perfect program the first time it is open. Even Microsoft and Apple may have bugs and errors on their operating systems. The importance of Software Testing has never been greater in order to work out the bugs prior to release. Software Testing companies specialize in going through every scenario that your product could encounter and report on the errors and problems they have found.Because it costs more money to fix problems once the software has been released to the public is greater than before. It is imperative to have thorough software testing before large scale manufacturing. Software Testing varies in different services and prices; consequently, it is important to read through the details of the service provided and the quoted price. Software Testing is the best way to find problems with your program, a good testing service can save thousand in the long run.
• The virtualization software
VMware Workstation is powerful virtualization software for software developers, software testers, and enterprise IT professionals. Workstation allows users to run multiple x86-based operating systems, including Windows, Linux, NetWare, and Solaris x86, and their applications simultaneously on a single PC in fully networked, portable virtual machines — no rebooting or hard drive partitioning required.
• Load and Performance Test Tools
Funkload - Web load testing, stress testing, and functional testing tool written in Python and distributed as free software under the GNU GPL. Emulates a web browser (single-threaded) using webunit; https support; produces detailed reports in ReST, HTML, or PDF.Avalanche - Load-testing appliance from Spirent Communications, designed to stress-test security, network, and Web application infrastructures by generating large quantities of user and network traffic. Simulates as many as two million concurrently-connected users with unique IP addresses, emulates multiple Web browsers, supports Web Services testing Supports HTTP 1.0/1.1, SSL, FTP, RTSP/ RTP, MS Win Media, SMTP, POP3, DNS, Telnet, and Video on Demand over Multicast protocols.
• To Open Software Testing
soapui 1.5 introduces powerful loadtesting capabilities for web services, including requirements-driven loadtesting, configurable load strategies and commandline support.The new version of Salome-TMF (V2) is available, this version includes a plug-in for the management of the requirements, two plug-ins for management of defects, one for Bugzilla (2.16.x and 2.20.x), the other for Mantis (0.19 and 1.0) , and one new plug-in for the automation of tests of Java IHM based on Abbot.
• Automated Tools for Software Testing
Test Complete is an automated test manager, with project level support for the full range of internal and UI testing. Designed for developers and testers.Automated Build Studio is a powerful build and release management system. It's an easy way to automate and simplify the build, test and release processes.
• Functional Testing
WebFT is a robust, Web-centric testing solution that efficiently verifies the functional accuracy of Web applications and ensures applications perform as expected. Built specifically for functional testing of Web applications, WebFT supports both established and emerging Web technologies.Using WebFT to automate the creation of test scripts, users can hit the ground running with their testing efforts. WebFT offers a visual environment for creating Agendas that provides test recording, editing, debugging, verification, and reporting features.
• Parallel Testing Execution
RadView provides test management products to help with every aspect of your automated testing process.TestView is a comprehensive Web testing solution that integrates WebFT for functional testing, WebLOAD for load and scalability testing, and TestView Manager for test management through a central console. TestView lets you easily create and run sophisticated test plans across multiple platforms and browser types. WebRM offers a flexible licensing environment for a collaborative approach to automated testing enabling seamless communication throughout the development and testing life cycle.
• Software Testing and Quality Assurance
The most popular Software Testing and Quality Assurance discussions site. With over 50 forums that cover almost every area in software testing, quality assurance and quality engineering. Here, you will also find a forum for every software test tool available like WinRunner, Quick Test Pro and LoadRunner by Mercury Interactive, Rational Robot and SilkTest by Segue Software to name a few.
• Automated Test complete
AutomatedQA's Test Complete 4 breaks this stereotype. It delivers automated functional, unit, regression, manual, data-driven, object-driven, distributed and HTTP load, stress and scalability testing in one easy-to-use and totally integrated package at an affordable price.Test Complete is a full-featured environment for automated testing of Windows, .NET, Java and web applications. It has been designed to free developers and QA departments from the massive drain on time and energy required by manual testing.Test Complete offers systematic, automated, and structured testing, with superior support for .NET, Java, Visual C++, Visual Basic, Delphi, C++ Builder and web applications.TestComplete is the ultimate solution to perform nightly tests and to help you get reliable daily builds of your software.
• Software Development Technologies
Software development technologies has the proven capability and expertise to help you create an independent testing function or enhance the abilities of your existing test group. Whether you require technology, training, consulting, or a proven best-in-class quality and test methodology, SDT can provide you with test solutions and automation that will decrease your time to market and significantly reduce your risk in Information Technology deployment.
• Mobile Software Testing Tools
A successful mobile software solution depends heavily on the execution of effective testing across the lifecycle of the development project. Differences in mobile software, however, require specialized test tools. As examples, mobile devices generally have less memory, which makes memory leaks less tolerable, and wireless networks may cause sporadic loss of connectivity between mobile devices and servers. When looking for mobile software test tools, concentrate on features that enable the creation of quality mobile solutions.
• Software-Reliability
RET is testing of software-based systems which employs reliability objectives and profiles of system use to speed testing while ensuring the necessary reliability. It helps us deal with the pressure to get software-based products to market faster while still meeting customer reliability needs. You will learn how to perform the major activities of SRET: defining "necessary" reliability, developing operational profiles, preparing for testing, executing tests, and interpreting failure data. John D. Musa, an independent consultant, was recently Technical Manager of Software Reliability Engineering (SRE) at AT&T Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, NJ. He is a creator of the field of software reliability engineering and is widely recognized as the leader in its practical application.
• Software Testing Certification
The International Institute for Software Testing (IIST) has been offering the Certified Software Test Professional (CSTP) certification since 1999. Currently there are thousands of people at different stages in the CSTP program.CSTP is an education-based certification, based on a Body of Knowledge that covers areas essential for every test professional to effectively perform their job in testing projects. Upon satisfying these two requirements, a candidate shall submit an application to the IIST Chairperson for the certification to be granted. Application forms can be obtained by calling the IIST office. The application must be accompanied by payment of the $120 non-refundable graduation fee. This fee covers the cost associated with record-keeping, grading exams, and certification plaque.
• Testing for Web Accessibility
Before even considering the purchase of a software accessibility test tool it is important to ask whether or not it is possible to test for compliance with the WAI checkpoints or the Section 508 provisions for web accessibility. For the most part, the answer is "sure it is possible to test whether pages meet these requirements." But be careful what you are thinking when saying "testing."The software tools can help. Human judgement is essential too. For the Section 508 provisions we will detail the extent to which you can rely on software tools (I will call that the algorithmic part) and the extent to which you must turn to human evaluation (the judgement part) when checking Web content for accessibility.
• About Quality Tree Software
Quality Tree Software, Inc. provides software testing and quality consulting and training services to companies ranging from small startups to Fortune 500 corporations. Founded in 1997 and incorporated in 1998, clients have included market leaders in a variety of industries including independent software vendors (ISVs), oil exploration, patent management, e-commerce, and medical equipment manufacturers, as well as government agencies. The company is based in Pleasanton, CA, but we offer services throughout the US.
• Benefits of Parallel Testing
As a test engineer, you may have explored ways to enhance test system performance in the past though parallel testing. However, the latest off-the-shelf test management software tools simplify parallel test system implementation. These tools increase test throughput and drive down test system costs.parallel testing involves testing multiple products or subcomponents simultaneously. A parallel test station typically shares a set of test equipment across multiple test sockets, but, in some cases, it may have a separate set of hardware for each unit under test (UUT). The majority of nonparallel test systems test only one product or subcomponent at a time, leaving expensive test hardware idle more than 50 percent of the test time.
• Internationalized Software Testing
Testing internationalization, if done at all, has traditionally been performed as a separate task using a separate set of tests and separate engineers. This strategy is less efficient in timing, resources, and coverage than if standard testing is internationalized. The tutorial provides a comprehensive guide to internationalizing existing test plans. In the beginning there is a discussion of philosophy, followed by test suite configuration. The next section covers the data processed, including language ranges, graphics, and layout. Detailed information on what to look for when testing all types of data is provided. There is a discussion of tools and pointers to additional information in the final portion.
• A Practical Guide to Software Testing
A practical tutorial on how to actually do testing by presenting numerous 'attacks' you can perform to test your software for bugs. The testing techniques are as flexible as conventional testing is rigid. Softcover.How to Break Software is a departure from conventional testing in which testers prepare a written test plan and then use it as a script when testing the software. The testing techniques in this book are as flexible as conventional testing is rigid. And flexibility is needed in software projects in which requirements can change, bugs can become features and schedule pressures often force plans to be reassessed. Software testing is not such an exact science that one can determine what to test in advance and then execute the plan and be done with it. Instead of a plan, intelligence, insight, experience and a "nose for where the bugs are hiding" should guide testers.
• The Latest Software Testing Information
Software testing is the process and tools used to test coded software before it is released to the public. Software testing is a critical component of the software development cycle. Without software testing, consumers would not get stable software releases. Software testing is a process used to help identify the correctness, completeness and quality of developed computer software. With that in mind, software testing can never completely establish the correctness of arbitrary computer software.
• Software Training and Programming Courses
Training courses can be purchased individually or bundled and are available online or on CD-ROM. Join the Training Club and you'll get a minimum of six courses for the regular price of one! Visit the site to take a test drive of a free course.Erebra Learning Corp offers hundreds of online training courses in a wide variety of Professional and End User subjects. Technology based training "TBT" enables you to become more efficient and helps you keep up with new technology demands for your current job as well as opening up new job opportunities. TBT allows you to learn anything, anytime, anywhere in a way that is more cost-effective, efficient, and convenient than traditional instructor led training.
• Software Resources
Overview of PASeries administrative functions needed to manage student rosters, including moving or adding students, create and monitor test sessions, create security access and view reports.self-paced, interactive PASeries Online Training course for teachers and administrators. The online training will provide a general PASeries product description, instructions for assigning system security, guidelines for selecting which test to administer to students, an overview of how to manage class rosters and set up test sessions, details on reading the reports and general navigation of the administrative site.
• Software Test and Performance
Huntington, N.Y., September 13, 2004 - BZ Media LLC today announced the class and tutorial lineup for the first annual Software Test & Performance Conference™, scheduled for December 7-9, 2004, at the Hyatt Regency on the Inner Harbor, Baltimore, Maryland.The Software Test & Performance Conference will feature more than 50 classes and tutorials on the practical implementation of software testing, quality assurance and performance management best practices.
• Brief Description of Software Testing
Software testing is a process used to help identify the completeness and quality of developed software for computers. With that in mind, software testing can never completely establish the correctness of software. Only the process of formal verification can prove that there are no defects. Since the software testing proofs or proof engines themselves are typically complex systems constructed by fallible humans, we aren't entitled to be entirely confident with formal methods of software testing.
• Victor Software
Vector Software's VectorCASTTM is a world class integrated software test solution that automates the tasks associated with testing software components for C/C++, Embedded C++, and Ada83/Ada95 programs. Automation includes: complete test harness construction, test generation, test execution, code coverage analysis, regression testing and static measures for code complexity and basis path analysis.
• The Simple Test
Sample tests provide candidates with a preview of the real examination experience. They give them an opportunity to become familiar with examination format and content, and also to observe examination functionality in action. (Candidates are advised to learn how the examination functions by reviewing the tutorial before they review the sample tests.
• Software Methodology and Techniques
Design methods are used during the test design phase. Written for those with some background in software engineering, Automated Software Testing: Introduction, Management, and Performance delivers a rigorous guide to the state of the art in managing automated testing in a text that will benefit anyone who tests software for a living.
• Web Performance Testing
AdventNet QEngine Web Performance Test tool is a powerful, easy-to-use and affordable load and performance testing tool that enables you to quickly test the performance of your Web applications. This tool realistically simulates load for a large number of users thus enabling you to identify and isolate performance bottlenecks and optimize the user experience within minutes.Web Performance test tool provides an easy-to-use web UI to record URLs in any web browser and create, modify, delete or run load tests to test and analyze the performance bottlenecks in your web applications.
• Types of Software Testing
Software quality testing tools are a vital part of developing and deploying high-quality e-business applications. Create and run automated test scripts effortlessly with QA Wizard. AppLabs an SEI CMM Level 5 Company is a leader in providing software testing services. Our software testing services include automated testing, black box testing, performance testing,, etc.iBeta performs a wide variety of services, including automated and manual software testing, functionality testing, performance, stress and load testing, and compatibility testing.
• A Guide to Software Test Design
If you are a software testing professional, or you are responsible for teaching this discipline this is one of the top books in my opinion. It is not as wide in scope as Software Testing: A Craftsman's Approach (ISBN: 0849308097), but it makes up for that by covering the essentials in the clearest possible manner.Most texts on software testing have a chapter or two which describe test design techniques. This is the first text that is devoted exclusively to this subject. There is little in the way of theory. The text is practical and provides the software test professional with clear explanations and examples of test techniques that have been proven to be effective.
• The Software Testing Links
Software testing is a broad term that covers a variety of processes designed to ensure that software applications function as intended, are able to handle the volume required, and integrate correctly with other software applications. Software testing is part of the software QA process.
There are a variety of software testing processes required to make sure most software applications work correctly. These include regression testing, defect (bug) tracking, unit testing, and load (stress) testing. Different software applications can help developers in each of these steps of software testing.
• Typing Test Software
Typing Master Pro typing tutor provides an efficient and comfortable way to greatly improve your typing speed and accuracy and become more confident and productive with the computer. Make typing classes enjoyable with our network able typing tutors featuring advanced reporting and user management. Whether you need to improve the efficiency of your staff or test potential employees' typing skills, we have the right solution for you.
• Software Quality Testing
Automated testing is a critical part of developing and deploying quality software applications. QA Wizard completely automates the functional and regression testing of Web-based and Windows applications, helping you test more of your application in less time.QA Wizard provides a true no trade-off automated testing solution by offering a fully functional, easy-to-learn product that significantly improves application testing. Spend more time testing applications and less time maintaining scripts - even if your applications change.
• Software Testing Services
AppLabs can rapidly put together a test team after understanding your needs. You can split this team between near and remote shores to appropriately support your communication v/s cost tradeoffs. AppLabs’ full range of Quality Assurance services are used by customers as follows –Functional, white-box, compatibility and performance testing on enterprise applications or software products. Functional, system, compatibility and performance testing on hardware devices. Test automation to enable efficient test execution. Augment their QA staff for peak loads. Consulting for Quality Management process re-engineering. Several ISVs engage us as their sole QA resource and outsource all their testing activities to us.
• Software Testing Lab
From our experience, we have been able to design our testing labs for maximum efficiency and control - some of the ways we achieve this are:
• All of our testers operate in close proximity to one another- this promotes communication and mutual observation of on-screen anomalies.
• Computers on a specific network are time-synchronized to allow for packet sniffing on multiple machines to be compared and analyzed with one another.• Our computers have been equipped with screen capture and video capture software to allow us to graphically document "difficult" bugs.• Our computers have the ability to conduct real-time packet "sniffing" analysis, either on the LAN or over the internet.
• Software Testing and Simulation
Holodeck is a unique testing tool that uses fault simulation to emulate real-world application and system errors. This allows testers and developers to work in a controlled, repeatable environment to analyze and debug error-handling code in hostile environments. Holodeck performs complete application monitoring, error-logging and fault simulation, making it ideal for adept testers that need to understand the underpinnings of their applications for reliability testing. You can cover more code, hit more error conditions, and gain confidence in the reliability of your code. Applications that stand up to Holodeck attacks are by definition not fragile.
• The Tracking Software Testing
AdminiTrack is a premier application service provider (ASP) providing an easy to use, high performance hosted Issue and Defect Tracking Application designed specifically for professional software development teams. AdminiTrack can be accessed from anywhere in the world with just a browser. AdminiTrack lets software development teams focus on developing quality software, rather than installing, configuring, and supporting a complicated client/server or locally hosted application. We take care of the infrastructure including hardware, software and provide free support and upgrades.
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