Friday, October 5, 2007

Software Testing- Methodology

Software Testing

Graybox Software Testing in Real-Time in
the Real World
André C. Coulter
Lockheed Martin Missiles and Fire Control - Orlando
1 Abstract
The Graybox Testing Methodology is a software testing method used to test
software applications. The methodology is platform and language independent. The
current implementation of the Graybox methodology is heavily dependent on the use
of a host platform debugger to execute and validate the software under test. Recent
studies have confirmed that the Graybox method can be applied in real-time using
software executing on the target platform. This now expands the capabilities of the
Graybox method to include not only path coverage verification but also worst-case /
best-case path timing. The Graybox toolset can now be called upon to perform and
verify performance requirements. It is now possible to verify/validate
CSCI/CSU/Module/Path timing, functional and structural requirements in a single
test case with the same format used to verify/validate functional requirements. This
paper will present the Graybox methodology and how this method has been applied
in a real-time environment to validate mission critical software systems.
2 Introduction
The computer industry is changing at a very rapid pace. In just a few short years we
have seen an industry where the access to a computer was limited to a select few
individuals in white lab coats to one where almost every employee in an office
complex has a computer on their desktop. This explosive trend has been fueled by
both hardware and software advances. Computers are becoming an indispensable
item every product being developed.
In the aerospace industry, computers and its corresponding software control every
aspect of a product from its conceptualization, design, development, manufacture,
and test. “Software as a product item refers to any computer program, whether it is an
operating system, a single subroutine, or a microprogram”. [Spencer85] In order to
keep pace with a rapidly changing computer industry, software test must develop
methods to verify and validate software for all aspects of the product lifecycle.
Software engineers must have tools that will allow the rapid and accurate testing of
both functional and performance requirements.
Graybox Software Testing 3
3 Scope
Graybox Software testing in Real-Time seeks to provide a method of testing
software that will be both easy to implement and understand using Commercial Off
the Shelf (COTS) software and hardware. The Graybox methodology is defined as
“Black box testing + White Box testing + Regression testing + Mutation testing”.
[Coulter99] The modified Graybox method will address real-time performance
The original Graybox methodology did not address real-time or system level
testing. The major concentration of the methodology was to provide a system that
allowed test engineers to create ample test suites that thoroughly tested a software
product. The emphasis of this paper will be to include real-time performance
verification and validation in the methodology without altering the intent of a
Graybox test. “Recently as 1998, in one Fortune 100 company, performance testing
was conducted while one test engineer sat with a stopwatch, timing the functionality
that another test engineer was executing manually”. [Elfriede99]
The Graybox method allowed the engineer to state the inputs and the expected
results in terms of system requirements. The engineer can state the system
performance requirements along with the functional and structural requirements to
form a complete and thorough test of the deliverable system. “NASA stated that onboard
software reliability must be such that, during the entire shuttle program, not
one vehicle is lost or damaged beyond repair because of software problems”.
[Jelinski72] In order to achieve this level of reliability the software must be
thoroughly tested at both the functional and performance levels.
Applying performance testing earlier in the project testing lifecycle will give
confidence that the correct product will be delivered and operates correctly at the
performance stated in the requirements. Testing of performance characteristics must
be moved closer to the beginning of the development cycle. “If equal emphasis was
given up front to testing, then I believe that good code would follow, because the
things that we recognize as good in coding are the same things that contribute to easy
testing”. [Beizer84]
4 Computer Systems
Computer systems can be placed in one of many categories. The categories are
normally based on the type of processing required and the speed at which the user
expects a response. Batch or non real-time systems require a minimal amount of
human intervention and are heavily dependent on the amount of time spent
determining the answer to a problem. As the requirement for human interaction
increases or the amount time spent on solving a problem is reduced, computer
systems move into a realm of real-time processing. “Man machine interactive
analysis and processing are preferred to batch processing for more efficient analysis”.
Graybox Software Testing 4
As the systems engineer moves into the real-time realm, new and interesting
problems arise. The computer system must not only produce the correct answer, but
also must meet strict timing constraints that do not exist in a batch-oriented non realtime
system. “Real-Time processing implies dedicated, special-purpose computers
often running many processing elements in parallel”. [Onoe81]
This multi-tasking, multi-computer environment presents special challenges when
testing computer software that must meet specific timing requirements in this hybrid
environment. “A single CPU cannot afford to deal with various kinds of image data
or various processing phases in an interactive multi-user environment”. [Isaka81] The
Graybox technique requires the stopping and starting of the computer system to
verify internal code coverage and functional requirements. “It is usually desirable
that a real-time system should operate without stopping”. [Martin67]
5 Graybox Software Testing
The Graybox methodology is a ten step process for testing computer software (refer
to Table 1). The methodology starts by identifying all the input and output
requirements to a computer system. This information is captured in the software
requirements documentation.
Table 1. Ten Step Graybox Methodology
Step Description
1 Identify Inputs
2 Identify Outputs
3 Identify Major Paths
4 Identify Subfunction (SF)X
5 Develop Inputs for SF X
6 Develop Outputs for SF X
7 Execute Test Case for SF X
8 Verify Correct Result for SF X
9 Repeat Steps 4:8 for other SF
10 Repeat Steps 7&8 for Regression
The Graybox methodology utilizes automated software testing tools to facilitate the
generation of test unique software. Module drivers and stubs are created by the
toolset to relieve the software test engineer from having to manually generate this
code. The toolset also verifies code coverage by instrumenting the test code.
“Instrumentation tools help with the insertion of instrumentation code without
incurring the bugs that would occur from manual instrumentation”. [Beizer84]
By operating in a debugger or target emulator, the Graybox toolset controlled the
operation of the test software. The Graybox methodology has moved out of a
debugger into the real world and into real-time. The methodology can be applied in
real-time by modifying the basic premise that inputs can be sent to the test software
via normal system messages and outputs are then verified using the system output
Graybox Software Testing 5
In real-time, data must be captured, logged, time-tagged and then compared to
aprior data generated by a simulation that has knowledge of timed data. “The timed
entry call is one place where an upper bound is placed on the time duration for some
action to occur”. [Volz88] By specifying the time at which an event must occur and
verifying the output is correct with respect to time verifies the performance
The software test system must have some concept of time. There are several timing
systems that are available in a real time system. The test engineer could use the CPU
clock as a timing source. The frame counter is another source for timing data. The
last alternative is an off-CPU chip system such as an IRIG timer. Once a timing
system is adapted, the data must be time tagged and compared to the expected results
in the time domain.
An alternative to any absolute timing generated by an on-board or off-board system
would be an Object Level Timing (OLT) system. Object Level Timing involves a
generating a relative time from start of an object’s existence. By using an OLT
reference allows repeatability in the testing of real-time systems. Object Level
Timing is “a methodology for the statement of timing requirements”. [Coolahan88]
6 System Simulations
Automated Test case generation has always been the desire of software test
engineers. “There is no simple way to automatically generate test cases”. [Beizer83]
The best and most efficient method of software test case generation can be realized
by inserting specialized test data capture code into an existing system simulation.
In the aerospace industry, specialized computer simulations are generated to
develop algorithms and software requirements. Existing simulations can be
interactive or batch systems, but the timing information is based on a frame counter
that is used to simulate time. By generating test case data from the simulation allows
the test engineer access to precise output data timed to a specific event. The “speed
and accuracy of performing various tasks” can be verified by analyzing the time
tagged output data. [Spencer85]
Any product developed must met two sets of expectations. The first expectation is
that of the developing company. If a company has internal standards that must be
met, these expectations will be tested by the test organization long before the
customer ever sees the delivered product. The other set of expectations belongs to the
customer. “The successful product must be satisfactory both to the user/customer and
to the producing company”. [Spencer85]
Performance requirements must be stated in quantitative terms. The output of a
message must be generated before some elapsed time interval based on a
measurable/observable event. The measurable event can be the receipt of an input
message or the transition to a particular state. Performance requirements stated in
terms of events and interval timing can be verified by observing the OLT of a
specific message object. “Performance measures and requirements are quantitative –
that is, numbers. A performance specification consists of a set of specified numbers.
Graybox Software Testing 6
The systems actual performance is measured and compared to the specification”.
Care must be exercised in the generation of test case data. In a real time system it
may not be possible to verify the entire contents of a program as is the case when
executing in a debugger. The test engineer must selectively determine the best
candidates for data capture to achieve the best performance and requirements
coverage. “We should discipline ourselves not to collect data aimlessly; rather, we
should collect data by planned experiments”. [Grenander72]
The Graybox methodology involves software proof of correctness. Once test case
data is obtained and the system is exercised using the simulation generated test case
data, the output is verified against the expected results. Care must be exercised in the
dependence on the simulated results. A computer system verified with a simulation
with corrupted algorithms will only verify that the algorithms in the simulation have
been faithfully implemented in the real-time system. “It is only too easy to take the
impressive output of a simulation as fact, when the input does not justify this. The
possible error of input must be translated into terms of possible error of results”.
7 Graybox Testing in Real-Time
Applying the Graybox methodology in real-time is simply adding a time
component to the expected output data value. A normal Graybox test for a system
that generates Sines based on angular displacements would consist of the input angle
in degrees and the expected output sine value. The test “y = Sin(x) for x = 30” would
be 0.5. This test has no time component associated with the answer. Therefore
whenever the response is generated it would be compared to the expected result of
0.5. This could be 1 millisecond or 10 seconds from the start of the test. In a real-time
system this test would be unacceptable.
A real-time test would be stated as “y(t) = sin(x,t)”. The added time element “t”
assures the expected value will be compared in the Object Level Time domain. Using
Figure 1. Sin of X, the major Object is X. A component of object X is the x.sine. The
object level time values of x.sine are read from the curve. The object level times are
obtained from the X-axis. Therefore at the creation of the X object, the value of
x.sine should be 0 at X’s OLT (x.olt) of 1. At the x.olt of 10 the value of x.sine
should be –05.
During the execution of the simulation, one “step was to examine the raw data with
the intention of determining trends”. An additional step for examining raw data was
to display them using a plot package”. [Feeley72] These steps will help the engineer
visualize the data being collected and can be used as a method of reducing the
amount of data being extracted in real-time. “Software instrumentation while giving
precise and copious information, cannot be inserted into a program wholesale lest the
system spend all its time processing artifact and instrumentation rather than doing
honest work”. [Beizer84]
Graybox Software Testing 7
During a real-time test, the system is examined for the values of x.olt, x.sine, x.olt.
This time-stamp/value/time-stamp group is logged and then post-process
immediately after the test to verify the time-stamped value lies on the curve between
the beginning and ending time stamps. “The processes of logging, counting, timing
and sampling can be done by software: by inserting code”. [Beizer84]
Figure 1. Sin of X strip chart
In real-time the Graybox methodology consists of the five steps presented
in Table 2. Five Step Graybox Real Time Methodology.
Table 2. Five Step Graybox Real Time Methodology
Step Description
1 Identify all System Performance
2 Instrument System Simulation for Object
Level Time data
3 Execute System Simulation to Obtain Test
Case data
4 Monitor Behavior of Real-Time Program
5 Verify Correct Values based on Time-
To perform a real-time Graybox test all test data must be prepared
before hand from the system simulation and fed to the real-time program
as input system messages. “The online load generator takes transactions
from the scenario file and attempts to issue them to the tested system at
the time marked for that transaction”. [Beizer84] Because the precise
time for object creation can not be duplicated for each run, the OLT will
guarantee that the object data is consistent from run to run.
8 Conclusion
Depending on the nature of the application, a real-time system falls in one to two
major groups. “There are two types of real-time systems, namely, soft real-time and
hard real-time systems”. [Cheng88]
Graybox Software Testing 8
Soft real-time is defined as a real-time system where it is desirable that system
processes occur rapidly, but few if any real time constraints are placed on the system.
A requirement might state that the system respond within a reasonable time limit.
This could be interpreted by one system engineer as one second and by another
system engineer as one millisecond.
A hard real-time system places response times and process time constraints on a
majority of the system processes especially at the system interfaces. “Hard real-time
systems are characterized by the presence of tasks that have timing constraints”.
To verify a real-time software, a system level simulation is required. The
simulation is used to generate the test case data that is fed to the real-time software.
The output messages are extracted, time-tagged, logged and then compared to the
expected results in the time domain. When the expected results are successfully
compared in the time domain, the real-time performance characteristics can be
verified. “Similarly this technique will be useful for verification and validation of
programs”. [Enomoto81]
By adding the element of time a non real-time Graybox test can be converted into a
real-time test capable of verifying and validating real-time applications.
9 Author Biography
Andre' Coulter is the Tools and Technology Leader at Lockheed Martin Missiles and Fire
Control - Orlando. Mr. Coulter has spent over 15 years investigating and developing
automated testing tools in support of Lockheed Martin systems applications in Ada, Java,
Perl, Fortran, C, and assembly language. Mr. Coulter has over 25 years software
development experience. Mr. Coulter graduated from Bowie State University, Bowie, Md
in 1978 with a BS in Bus Admin, and has taught computer programming at Drake State
10 Bibliography
[Beizer83] Boris Beizer, Software Testing Techniques, 1983 Van Nostrand Reinhold Company
Inc, New York, pg 67
[Beizer84] Boris Beizer, Software System Testing and Quality Assurance, 1984 Van Nostrand
Reinhold Company Inc, New York, pgs (238, 258, 263, 309, 312)
[Cheng88] Sheng-Chang Cheng, John A. Stankovic (ed), “Scheduling Algorithms for Hard Real-
Time Systems – A Brief History”, Hard Real-Time Systems, 1988 Computer Society Press of
the IEEE, Washington, D.C, pg 151
Graybox Software Testing 9
[Coolahan88] James E. Coolahan, John A. Stankovic (ed), “Timing Requirements for Time-
Driven Systems Using Augmented Petri Nets”, Hard Real-Time Systems, 1988 Computer
Society Press of the IEEE, Washington, D.C, pg 78
[Coulter99] André Coulter, “Graybox Software Testing Methodology – Embedded Software
Testing Technique”, 18th Digital Avionics Systems Conference Proceedings, 1999 IEEE, pg
[Elfriede99] Dustin Elfriede, Automated Software Testing, 1999 Addison Wesley Longman, pg
[Enomoto81] H. Enomoto, Morio Onoe (ed), “Image Data Modeling and Language for Parallel
Processing”, Real-Time/Parallel Computing Image Analysis, 1981 Plenum Press, New York
pg 101
[Feeley72] John W. Feely, Walter Freiberger (ed), “A Computer Performance Monitor and
Markov Analysis for Mulitprocessor System Evaluation”, Statistical Computer Performance
Evaluation, 1972 Academic Press Inc, London, pg 177
[Grenander72] U. Grenander, Walter Freiberger (ed), “Quantitative Methods for Evaluating
Computer System Performance: A Review and Proposals”, Statistical Computer Performance
Evaluation, 1972 Academic Press Inc, London, pg 15
[Hanaki81] S. Hanaki, Morio Onoe (ed), “An Interactive Image Processsing and Analysis
System”, Real-Time/Parallel Computing Image Analysis, 1981 Plenum Press, New York pg
[Isaka81] J. Isakai, Morio Onoe (ed), “A Compound Computer System for Image Data
Processing”, Real-Time/Parallel Computing Image Analysis, 1981 Plenum Press, New York
pg 257
[Jelinski72] Z. Jelinski, Walter Freiberger (ed), “Software Reliability Research”, Statistical
Computer Performance Evaluation, 1972 Academic Press Inc, London, pg 467
[Martin67] James Martin, Design of Real-Time Computer Systems, 1967 Prentis-Hall Inc, New
Jersey, pgs (257,373)
[Onoe81] Morio Onoe (ed), Real-Time/Parallel Computing Image Analysis, 1981 Plenum Press,
New York pg vii
[Spencer85] Richard H. Spencer, Computer Usability Testing and Evaluation, 1985 Prentis-Hall
Inc, New Jersey, pgs (13,50,98)
[Volz88] Richard Volz, John A. Stankovic (ed), “Timing Issues in the Distributed Execution of
Ada Programs”, Hard Real-Time Systems, 1988 Computer Society Press of the IEEE,
Washington, D.C, pg 130
[Zhao88] Wei Zhao, John A. Stankovic (ed), “Preemptive Scheduling Under Time and Resource
Constraints”, Hard Real-Time Systems, 1988 Computer Society Press of the IEEE,
Washington, D.C, pg 225

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