Friday, October 5, 2007

Traceability Matrix

Traceability matrics:

A method used to validate the compliance of a process or product with the requirements for that process or product. The requirements are each listed in a row of the matrix and the columns of the matrix are used to identify how and where each requirement has been addressed.


A table that traces the requirements to the system deliverable component for that stage that responds to the requirement.

Size and Format
For each requirement, identify the component in the current stage that responds to the requirement. The requirement may be mapped to such items as a hardware component, an application unit, or a section of a design specification.


A table that documents the requirements of the system for use in subsequent stages to confirm that all requirements have been met.

Size and Format
Document each requirement to be traced. The requirement may be mapped to such things as a hardware component, an application unit, or a section of a design specification.

Traceability Matrix Table (Sample)
Identifier Requirement Priority (e.g., (M)andatory, (D)esirable, or (O)ptional) Change Requests Module (or Hardware Component, Application Unit, Deliverable Section, e.g., Design Specification)

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